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You are here: Encoding > Conversion > Maps Mapping Files
Note: We have moved all the TECkit mapping files to a GitHub repository. That repo is found here: https://github.com/silnrsi/wsresources. You are welcome to browse and find mapping files or to submit your own mapping files. The mapping files on this page continue to be available. However, they now come directly from the GitHub repo rather than a static download. These mapping files were created for converting data to Unicode. Some, but not all, will also convert data from Unicode back to the legacy encoding. These mapping files are for use with TECkit applications. You can do this using the program TECkit or SILConverters 4.0. Contents
AfricaBurkina FasoLegacy font encoding: SIL Burkina Faso standard fonts Compiled (and uncompiled) conversion tables for each set of fonts is included here, which maps SIL Burkina Faso encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. CameroonLegacy font encoding: SIL Cameroon standard fonts Compiled (and uncompiled) conversion tables for each set of fonts is included here, which maps SIL Cameroun encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. ChadLegacy font encoding: Tchad2000 and Chad95 fonts Compiled (and uncompiled) conversion tables for each set of fonts is included here, which map Tchad2000 and Chad95 encoded data to Unicode (not vice versa). Although each mapping file is bi-directional, conversion from Unicode back into the legacy encoding isn't recommended, as there would be some poor diacritic choices back in the legacy encoding. Each mapping file is currently only intended to support legacy to Unicode conversion. Côte d’IvoireLegacy font encoding: SIL Côte d’Ivoire (RCI) standard fonts Compiled (and uncompiled) conversion tables for each set of fonts is included here, which maps SIL Côte d’Ivoire encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. SIL Côte d’Ivoire (RCI) mapping Democratic Republic of CongoLegacy font encoding: SIL Eastern Congo Group (ECG) standard fonts A compiled (and uncompiled) conversion table is included here, which maps SIL ECG encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. This mapping file is Unicode 5.0 compliant. Other Eastern Congo resources are a Unicode Keyman keyboard found here. EthiopiaLatin to Fidel Unicode mappingThree TECkit mapping files (compiled and uncompiled) are included in this package. They are intended for use where text has been input “phonetically” as a syllable (be, ppii, etc.) and conversion to fidel is desired (, , etc.). GeezTypeNetThis mapping file enables conversion of custom-encoded text using the GeezTypeNet font to Unicode codepoints. Ge'ez-1/Ge'ez-2/Ge'ez-3This mapping file enables conversion of custom-encoded text using the PowerGe'ez Geez-1/Ge'ez-2/Ge'ez-3 font(s) to Unicode codepoints. PUA to Unicode 6.0 mappingIf you happened to obtain an early unreleased version of the SIL Abyssinica font, and used some of the Private Use Area (PUA) codepoints in your data, you may wish to use the following mapping file to convert your data from PUA codepoints to Unicode 4.1 (many of the PUA characters were added to Unicode 4.1). Other Ethiopic resources include the Abyssinica SIL font and an Ethiopic Keyman keyboard to type characters needed in Ethiopian and Eritrean languages. LiberiaThree TECkit mapping files (compiled and uncompiled) are included in this package. SILVai is for use in converting text encoded with the font to Unicode. SILVaiE is for use in converting text encoded with the font to Unicode. SILVaiNTsfm is intended for use where text has been input “phonetically” as a syllable (ba, dle, etc.) and conversion to Unicode Vai characters is desired (U+A552 VAI SYLLABLE BA, U+A514 VAI SYLLABLE DEE, etc.). Other Vai resources: Two Vai Unicode fonts are available here. is based on . Windows 7 provides a Unicode font with Vai support called . A Windows Keyman keyboard is available here: Known Unicode Keyman Keyboards. A MacOSX keyboard is available here. MaliLegacy font encoding: SIL Mali standard fonts Compiled (and uncompiled) conversion tables for each set of fonts is included here, which maps SIL Mali encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. The legacy and fonts will be posted at some future time. Mali StandardMalicode DogonSIL FHP FulfuldeSenufoOther Mali resources include Keyman keyboards developed for use in Malian languages and Charis SIL fonts which have been modified for use in Malian languages. NubianCompiled and uncompiled TECkit conversion tables are included, which map data using the Nobiin, Ibrim, Nubian(Dr. Mokhtar) and Nubian(Mokhtar.M&H & Kashef.H) fonts to Unicode. Nubian (Mokhtar.M&H & Kashef.H mapping) Togo/BeninLegacy font encoding: SIL Togo/Benin standard fonts The compiled (and uncompiled) conversion table is included here, which maps SIL Togo/Benin encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. AmericasBrazilLegacy font encoding: SIL Brazil standard fonts (BRB, Daw Ortografia, Daw Phon (Daw phonology), Ik (Ikpeng), Kaxarari, Kd (Kadiweu), Mamainde Nt, Mund (Munduruku), Nambi (Nambikuara), Nbfono Nbfono, Special Junk, Special Junk 2, Special Junk 3, Special Junk 4, Tuc Tucano, Richards Wwpo, Xavante) Compiled (and uncompiled) conversion tables for each set of fonts is included here, which maps legacy encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. ChileLegacy font encoding: SIL Rapa Nui standard fonts A compiled (and uncompiled) conversion table is included here, which maps "SIL Rap" encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. ColombiaLegacy font encoding: SIL Colombia standard fonts Compiled (and uncompiled) conversion tables for each set of fonts is included here, which maps COB encoded data or ILV Times encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. Costa RicaLegacy font encoding: Bribri SIL font (Bribri:BZD) Compiled (and uncompiled) conversion tables for each set of fonts is included here, which maps Bribri SIL encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. EcuadorLegacy font encoding: Shuar SIL font (Shuar:JIV) A compiled (and uncompiled) conversion table is included here, which maps Shuar SIL encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. GuatemalaLegacy font encoding: SIL Guatemala standard font A compiled (and uncompiled) conversion table is included here, which maps CAB encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. HondurasLegacy font encoding: Garifuna CABGarif SIL font (Garifuna:CAB) A compiled (and uncompiled) conversion table is included here, which maps Garifuna CABGarif SIL encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. This language is also spoken in Guatemala, Belize and Nicaragua. PanamaLegacy font encoding: Naso font (Naso:TFR) A compiled (and uncompiled) conversion table is included here, which maps Naso encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. ParaguayLegacy font encoding: AcheSIL font (Aché:GUQ) A compiled (and uncompiled) conversion table is included here, which maps AcheSIL encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. AsiaSIL-Philippines Standard Font to Unicode mappingLegacy font encoding: SIL Philippines standard fonts Compiled (and uncompiled) conversion tables for each set of fonts is included here, which maps SIL Philippines encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. Sahu (SE Asia) SIL Charis 2002 Font to Unicode mappingLegacy font encoding: Sahu SIL Charis 2002 fonts Compiled (and uncompiled) conversion table maps data encoded according to the 2002 version of the Sahu SIL Charis font to Unicode and vice versa. Europe/Middle EastPitchContoursLegacy font encoding: PitchContour fonts (PitchContours, PitchContoursSymbol, Contour, Cont12, Contour4, Contour6) Compiled (and uncompiled) conversion tables for each set of fonts is included here, which maps legacy encoded data to "Unicode" (SIL's Corporate PUA) and vice versa. These are experimental mapping files for the PitchContours fonts. Nine codepoints for the pitches were placed in SIL Corporate PUA at U+F1F1..U+F1F9. Each of these mapping files require the use of Charis SIL or Doulos SIL version 4.1 or greater. They will turn into contours if used in Graphite applications. It is unlikely that any other fonts will contain these codepoints. It is possible these mapping files will not work for you since the fonts sometimes were used inconsistently. At times data from one melody was placed on two lines in order to make it stretched out. With that anomaly, the brackets in the fonts were also much larger to span several lines. In order for these mapping files to work, data for a melody must be on one line, it cannot be on two separate lines or the data will not be converted properly. If you put your data on several lines we have no way to automatically convert that data for you. It is also impossible to maintain the large size of the brackets in an encoding conversion. If you wish to have large brackets you will have to manually go through your document and resize the brackets by changing the font size. We would like feedback on these mapping tables. Contact information is in the readme.txt found in the download package. Amer Phon SILDoulos fontLegacy font encoding: Amer Phon SILDoulos font A compiled (and uncompiled) conversion table is included here, which maps Amer Phon SILDoulos data to Unicode (but not vice versa). This mapping file has been minimally tested. Feedback is requested (see the readme file which is part of the download). ASAP (IPA) fontsLegacy font encoding: ASAP SILCharis font A compiled (and uncompiled) conversion table is included here, which maps ASAP SILCharis data to Unicode. This mapping file has been minimally tested. Feedback is requested (see the source mapping file for contact information). Linguist's Software fonts: GraecaII, SemiticaDict, TransRomanAH and TransRomanDictLegacy font encoding: GraecaII, SemiticaDict, TransRomanAH and/or TransRomanDict fonts1 Compiled conversion tables are included here, which map GraecaII, SemiticaDict, TransRomanAH and/or TransRomanDict data to Unicode and vice versa. Note that several of these fonts contain characters that probably do not exist in any one font. These mapping files have only been minimally tested. Feedback is requested (see the readme file which is part of the download). IPA-SAM phonetic fontsLegacy font encoding: IPA-SAM phonetic fonts Compiled and uncompiled conversion tables are included here, which map IPA-SAM data to Unicode and vice versa. This mapping file has only been minimally tested. Feedback is requested. SIL ApparatusLegacy font encoding: SIL Apparatus font A compiled conversion table called SILApparatus.tec is included here, which maps SIL Apparatus data to Unicode and vice versa. There are 20 characters from SIL Apparatus that are not SIL EzraLegacy font encoding: SIL Ezra font These mappings (and the included documentation) will help you convert some of your old Hebrew data to the Unicode codepoints, so that you can use the Ezra SIL fonts without re-typing your data. It should be particularly useful to those who have made a significant investment in their data using the SIL Ezra fonts. SIL GalatiaLegacy font encoding: SIL Galatia Two draft conversion programs are included with this package. One is for Consistent Changes and the other is for TECkit. Neither of the Greek mappings have been extensively tested. These are intended for converting texts which have been encoded for the SIL Galatia legacy font to Unicode (Galatia SIL is a Greek Unicode font). SIL Greek TransLegacy font encoding: SIL Greek Trans font2 A compiled conversion table called SILGreekTrans.tec is included here, which maps SIL Greek Trans data to Unicode and vice versa. This mapping file has only been minimally tested. Feedback is requested (see the readme file which is part of the download). SIL Heb Trans and SIL Heb Trans CapsLegacy font encoding: SIL Heb Trans and/or SIL Heb Trans Caps3 fonts Two compiled conversion tables (SILHebTrans.tec and SILHebTransCaps.tec) are included here, which map SIL Heb Trans and/or SIL Heb Trans Caps data to Unicode and vice versa. These mapping files have only been minimally tested. Feedback is requested (see the readme file which is part of the download). SIL IPA93Legacy font encoding: ipa93 A compiled conversion table called SILIPA93.tec is included, which is set to map ipa93 data to Unicode IPA and vice versa. This mapping has been updated to reflect up to Unicode 5.1. The only changes were for the downstep and upstep. Unicode 5.1 now supports all characters that were in IPA93 and Doulos SIL and Charis SIL support this. SIL IPA 1990Legacy font encoding: SIL IPA 1990 A compiled conversion table called SIL-IPA-1990.tec is included, which is set to map SIL IPA 1990 data to Unicode IPA and vice versa. The conversion back to legacy will not be a clean round-trip, because there are duplicates of many diacritics in the SIL IPA fonts. This mapping has been updated to reflect up to Unicode 5.1. The only changes were for the downstep and upstep. Unicode 5.1 now supports all characters that were in IPA93 and Doulos SIL and Charis SIL support this. SIL PUA to Unicode 9.0 MappingThe Unicode 9.0 standard includes 221 (not including Hebrew) characters that were previously allocated to codepoints in the Private Use Area by SIL’s PUA committee. All processes (input methods, mappings) that create Unicode data should be revised to generate the proper Unicode values instead of PUA codes. If you have data that contains these PUA codes, it should be updated by replacing each PUA character with its official Unicode counterpart. This will facilitate data interchange and the use of standard fonts and software. Note Charis SIL and Doulos SIL fonts currently only support Unicode 8.0. Therefore, unless you have fonts which support the Unicode 9.0 codepoints you may wish to wait to update your PUA mapping until Charis SIL and Doulos SIL are updated. Translator’s Workplace miscellaneous fontsLegacy font encoding: Dt Di SILDoulosL, I1 Ii SILDoulosL, Hausa Font SILCharis Regular and/or LRSystem fonts Compiled conversion tables are included here, which map data using these fonts to Unicode and vice versa. Note that several of these fonts contain characters that probably do not exist in any one font. These mapping files have only been minimally tested. Feedback is requested (see the readme file which is part of the download). Translator's Workplace miscellaneous mappings Other mapping files for fonts distributed with Translator’s Workplace can be found here:
PacificSIL Papua New Guinea Standard Font to Unicode mappingLegacy font encoding: SIL Papua New Guinea standard fonts A compiled (and uncompiled) conversion table is included here, which maps SIL Papua New Guinea encoded data to Unicode and vice versa. All PNG characters are now Standard Unicode 5.1. No more PUA characters are needed!
The above document deals with most Unicode issues for the SIL PNG branch. It covers the following topics:
SystemSymbol Font to Unicode mappingThe Symbol font built into PostScript printers and now common to Apple and Microsoft platforms contains Greek, mathematical, and other technical symbols, most of which can be mapped to Unicode. Symbol Font to Unicode mapping Symbol-encoded font to codepage 1252 transliteratorAs discussed in Display Issues – FAQ, Microsoft Word data that is formatted using a symbol-encoded font such as SIL Galatia or SIL IPA93 is stored using a range of PUA characters, typically U+F020 .. U+F0FF. When using to create an 8-bit plain-text version of the data, such PUA characters are converted to question marks ('?'). One solution is to use this Unicode-to-Unicode mapping file, called a transliterator, to convert the PUA character codes to codepage 1252 before saving to plain text. Symbol-encoded font to codepage 1252 transliterator Symbol to PUA mapping for RTF filesUse this mapping to convert legacy data in an RTF file from PUA back to legacy. For more information, see What's in Your File?. Symbol to PUA mapping for RTF files Draft TECkit mapping fileUse this mapping as a starting point when writing a new legacy mapping file. For more information, see How to Write a Conversion Mapping for your Legacy Font.
Revision History2014-09-29 LE: updated PUAtoUnicode mapping file for Unicode 7.0 2005-03-17 BH: updated ipa93 mapping to v12 2004-12-01 LP: updated SIL Papua New Guinea mapping file 2004-07-22 LP: updated ipa93 mapping and added PUA2Uni4.0 mapping 2004-06-21 BH: added SymbolFontMapping 2004-05-03 LP: updated links to fonts 2004-04-27 LP: updated Greek mapping file 2004-04-26 LP: changed cc link 2004-04-12 LP: added PNG mapping file 2004-02-10 JW: removed "available soon" comment, added CC table
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