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You are here: Type Design > Resources > Font Downloads SIL Hebrew Font System Additional Files (Obsolete)
Ezra and Unicode This SIL Hebrew Font System is a pre-Unicode or “legacy” font system. It provides a means of working with biblical Hebrew texts in an encoding created by SIL in 1995. These fonts are superceded by Unicode-encoded Hebrew fonts, such as Ezra SIL. The transliteration fonts in this package were made obsolete with the advent of Latin Unicode fonts, available with any newer OS. Only a keyboard is helpful (not required) for typing Hebrew transliteration. See last item in Ezra SIL package or Hebrew-Greek Transliteration Unicode Keyboard for Macintosh for two examples. Additional files are available which update certain parts of the SIL Hebrew Font System or assist in typing or processing Biblical Hebrew text. Additional FilesEzra Keyboards for use with Keyman 5 and 6 (Aug-2002)The six keyboards for typing Hebrew or Hebrew transliteration with the SIL Ezra Font System have been compiled for use with Keyman 5 and 6. The original keyboards were written for Keyman 3.2 and do not function with Keyman 5 or 6. No corrections or additions have been made to these keyboards. They do not use Unicode.
Additional files for Users of SILKey 1.2 (Mar-2000)This download contains keyboards compiled for SILKey 1.2, Consistant Changes tables for converting the Oxford Text Archive biblical text and instructions.
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