Computers & Writing Systems
You are here: General > Initiative B@bel XHTML Format For WorldPad File Equivalence (Version 1.0)
From January to October of 2003, SIL International was engaged in a cooperative project with UNESCO as part of UNESCO’s Initiative B@bel effort. The goal was to enable the development of complex script support in information and communication technologies (ICTs). This was done through preparation of documents to guide development, technical tools for complex script support, and two example script implementations. All of these are available from a general UNESCO page. This document describes a subset of the XHTML/CSS standard that provides the equivalent functionality to WorldPad's XML format. This will enable WorldPad to function as an editor for documents that can be accessed over the Internet and viewed in a web browser. The complete document is available on this page, but can also be downloaded in both Word and PDF formats:
1. IntroductionThis document describes a subset of the XHTML/CSS standard that provides the equivalent functionality to WorldPad's XML format. This will enable WorldPad to function as an editor for documents that can be accessed over the Internet and viewed in a web browser. A particular goal is to provide a process for authoring web documents containing text that can be displayed using Graphite, SIL's smart-font rendering technology. This technology is currently supported by WorldPad and will be supported by the Mozilla browser in the near future, so a path to convert documents from the former format to the latter will enable us to meet this goal. The aim of this specification is simply to define a format for web data which will fairly closely approximate what is seen WorldPad. The purpose is not to define the most compact or human-readable format, or one that facilitates further editing of the document in an HTML editor. There are also a few kinds of formatting where XHTML produces some deviation from the exact appearance of the data in WorldPad. These cases are summarized in section 4. Ultimately the visual result of XHTML data will depend on the implementation of the application in which it is displayed. An attempt has been made to verify that the Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers provide at least reasonable renderings of the formats discussed here, and because it is the Netscape-based browser technology that will eventually have Graphite support, that browser is of the higher priority. However, I cannot guarantee that these renderings match either each other or WorldPad's display exactly. 1.1. Comment on the approach taken to hard-formattingIn WorldPad, the mechanisms for hard-formatting (associating formatting information directly with a range of text) and the style mechanism are quite similar. The property names and values are identical, as well as the approach for "cascading" or inheriting the values. In XHTML, there are two distinct but overlapping approaches. The standard way to apply hard-formatting is within XHTML proper, with attributes assigned to tags. Styles, on the other hand, are handled within CSS. Not only is the exact syntax of the two approaches different (attribute="value" vs. attribute: value;), but in many cases the attribute names differ (dir vs. direction, align vs. text-align, etc.). It is also possible to achieve the effect of hard-formatting by putting CSS style definitions within the value of the style property attached to a tag, e.g., <p style= "prop: value; prop: value">. In this paper I am suggesting that we use this approach, not only because it allows a more elegant structure to the program (i.e., the routines will generate one consistent syntax rather than two), but also because it seems to more accurately reflect the nature of the WorldPad data. It is possible that in future versions of XHTML, using the style property to create hard-formatting in this way may be deprecated, at least within some contexts. In that event, we may need to auto-generate styles to represent each instance of hard-formatting. 2. Summary of supported tags and attributes
Supported tags and attributes 3. Examples and discussion3.1. Top level structureWorldPad XML: <WpDoc ...> <Languages> ... </Languages> <Styles> ... </Styles> <Body ...> ... </Body> <PageSetup> ... </PageSetup> </WpDoc> XHTML: <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> ... </style> </head> <body> </body> </html> Note that there are no sections in the XHTML format to correspond to <Languages> or <PageSetup>. 3.2. Paragraph contentsWorldPad XML: <Body docRightToLeft=true> <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop .../> </StyleRules15> <Contents16> <Str>...</Str> </Contents16> </StTxtPara> </Body> XHTML: <body dir=rtl> <p style = "..."> ... </p> </body> Styles can also be specified within the <p> tag with a named style, as shown below: WorldPad XML: <Body docRightToLeft=false> <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop namedStyle="heading"/> </StyleRules15> <Contents16> <Str>...</Str> </Contents16> </StTxtPara> </Body> XHTML: <body dir=ltr> <p class=heading> ... </p> </body> 3.3. Ranges of textWorldPad XML: <Str> <Run enc=XXX ws=## ...>run one</Run> <Run enc=XXX ws=## ...>run two</Run> </Str> XHTML: <p> <span ...>run one</span> <span ...>run two</span> </p> If the writing system is right-to-left, the <span> tag will include a direction attribute. This attribute is not required for left-to-right writing systems. WorldPad XML: <Str> <Run enc="HEB" ws="0" ...>Hebrew</Run> <Run enc="ENG" ws="0" ...>English</Run> </Str> XHTML: <p> <span style="direction: rtl">Hebrew</span> <span>English</span> </p>Named character styles are handled by appending the encoding ID to the name of the style. (This is only necessary and ideally will only happen when the style definitions differ for the writing systems. See section 3.6 for more discussion. WorldPad XML: <Str> <Run enc="HEB" ws="0" namedStyle="highlight">Hebrew</Run> <Run enc="ENG" ws="0" namedStyle="highlight">English</Run> </Str> XHTML: <p> <span class=highlightHEB style="direction: rtl">Hebrew</span> <span class=highlightENG>English</span> </p> 3.4. Character properties3.4.1. Font and sizeWorldPad XML: <Str> <Run ... fontFamily="Gentium">text</Run> <Run ... fontFamily="default serif">text</Run> <Run ... fontFamily="default sans serif">text</Run> <Run ... fontFamily="default monospace">text</Run> <Run ... fontsize="12000" fontsizeUnit="mpt">text</Run> <Run ... fontsize="7500" fontsizeUnit="mpt">text</Run> </Str> XHTML: <p> <span style="font-family: Gentium">text</span> <span style="font-family: serif">text</span> <span style="font-family: sans-serif">text</span> <span style="font-family: monospace">text</span> <span style="font-size: 12pt">text</span> <span style="font-size: 7.5pt">text</span> </p> Note that currently the only value of fontsizeUnit that is generated by WorldPad is "mpt". 3.4.2. Inverting propertiesIn FW data, the bold and italic character properties can take the value "invert," which makes their meaning dependent on the context in which they occur. Most often "invert" mean "on", but within a run of text where bold is already on, "invert" means "off." Thus when the "Bold Chars" style is defined using bold = "invert" we get the following mapping: WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop namedStyle="Bold Paragraph"/> </StyleRules15> <Contents16> <Str> <Run ... >bold</Run> <Run ... bold="invert">not bold</Run> <Run ... bold="on">bold</Run> <Run ... bold="off">not bold</Run> <Run ... namedStyle="Bold Chars">not bold</Run> </Str> </Contents16> </StTxtPara> <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop namedStyle="Non-Bold Paragraph"/> </StyleRules15> <Contents16> <Str> <Run ... >not bold</Run> <Run ... bold="invert">bold</Run> <Run ... bold="on">bold</Run> <Run ... bold="off">not bold</Run> <Run ... namedStyle="Bold Chars">bold</Run> </Str> </Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p class=boldParagraph> <span>bold</span> <span style="font-weight: normal">not bold</span> <span style="font-weight: bold">bold</span> <span style="font-weight: normal">not bold</span> <span class=boldChars style="font-weight: normal">not bold</span> </p> <p class=nonBoldParagraph> <span>not bold</span> <span style="font-weight: bold">bold</span> <span style="font-weight: bold">bold</span> <span style="font-weight: normal">not bold</span> <span class=boldChars>bold</span> </p> The fifth run of text in the first paragraph demonstrates a special problem. In WorldPad, the application of the "Bold Paragraph" style turns bolding on, then the application of the "Bold Chars" style inverts the property, turning it off. Since there is no concept of inverting in CSS, both styles will produce bold text. So we must explicitly turn bolding off using an inline style, to ensure the same results as the WorldPad format. A similar approach is needed for the italic property. WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop namedStyle="Italic Paragraph"/> </StyleRules15> <Contents16> <Str> <Run ... >italic</Run> <Run ... italic="invert">not italic</Run> <Run ... italic="on">italic</Run> <Run ... italic="off">not italic</Run> <Run ... namedStyle="Italic Chars">not italic</Run> </Str> </Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p class=italicParagraph> <span>italic</span> <span style="font-style: normal">not italic</span> <span style="font-style: italic">italic</span> <span style="font-style: normal">not italic</span> <span class=italicChars style="font-style: normal">not italic</span> </p> 3.4.3. ColorWorldPad XML: <Str> <Run ... forecolor="red">text</Run> <Run ... forecolor="cyan">text</Run> <Run ... backcolor="yellow">text</Run> <Run ... forecolor="888888">text</Run> </Str> XHTML: <p> <span style="color: red">text</span> <span style="color: aqua">text</span> <span style="background-color: yellow">text</span> <span style="color: #888888">text</span> </p> The following table shows the color equivalences between WorldPad XML and XHTML. All other colors will be described in term of an 6-digit hex number (RRGGBB).
Color equivalences The "magenta" and "cyan" color values seem to be recognized by some XHTML implementations, but given that they are not documented, it is preferable to use "fuchsia" and "aqua." 3.4.4. Vertical offsetsWorldPad XML: <Str> <Run ... offset="3000" offsetUnit="mpt">text</Run> <Run ... offset="-3000" offsetUnit="mpt">text</Run> <Run ... offset="-6000" offsetUnit="mpt">text</Run> <Run ... superscript="super">text</Run> <Run ... superscript="sub">text</Run> <Run ... superscript="super" offset="2000" offsetUnit="mpt">text</Run> </Str> XHTML: <p> <span style="vertical-align: super">text</span> <span style="vertical-align: sub">text</span> <span style="vertical-align: sub">text</span> <span style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 75%">text</span> <span style="vertical-align: sub; font-size: 75%">text</span> <span style="vertical-align: super; font-size: 75%"> <span style="offset: 2pt">text</span> </span> </p> Notice that two levels of <span> are required to handle a superscript or subscript with an adjusted offset. Currently the only value of offsetUnit that is generated by WorldPad is "mpt". 3.4.5. UnderliningIn CSS2, only a single, solid underline in a color matching the text is supported. However, in CSS3, various styles of colored underlining, such as double, dotted, and dashed, will be supported. For the sake of forward compatibility, it seems wise to implement the CSS3-compatible XHTML at the outset; within CSS2, the new attributes will simply be ignored, resulting in solid underlines. WorldPad XML: <Str> <Run ... underline="single">text</Run> <Run ... underline="double">text</Run> <Run ... underline="dotted">text</Run> <Run ... underline="dashed">text</Run> <Run ... underline="squiggle" undercolor="red">text</Run> </Str> XHTML: <p> <span style="text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: solid"> text</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: double"> text</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: dotted"> text</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: dashed"> text</span> <span style= " text-decoration: underline; text-underline-style: wave; text-underline-color: red"> text</span> </p> 3.4.6. Font featuresFont features, such as those used for Graphite rendering, are not directly supported by CSS. An extension will be required to handle them, using the recommended syntax for proprietary identifiers: WorldPad XML: <Str> <Run ... font="MyGraphiteFont" fontVariations="100=2, 101=1">text</Run> </Str> XHTML: <p> <span style= " font-family: MyGraphiteFont; -sil-font-feature-100: 2; -sil-font-feature-101: 1" >text</span> </p> Because the -sil-font-feature property is proprietary, it is currently not supported by any browser, and we expect this to be the situation for the foreseeable future. 3.5. Paragraph formatting3.5.1. Alignment and directionWorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop align="right"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>...</Contents16> </StTxtPara> <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop align="center"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>...</Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p style="text-align: right"> ... </p> <p style="text-align: center"> ... </p> As with WorldPad, default alignment automatically follows the paragraph direction, and therefore does not need to be specified, as shown in the first paragraph below. WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop rightToLeft="1"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>...</Contents16> </StTxtPara> <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop rightToLeft="1" alignment="trailing"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>...</Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p dir="rtl"> ... </p> <p dir="rtl" style="text-align: left"> ... </p> 3.5.2. IndentationThe following represents a standard indentation: WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop firstIndent="36000"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>...</Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p style="text-indent: 36pt"> ... </p> The following represents a hanging indentation. Notice that both the text-indent and margin-left attributes are needed in the XHTML format. WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop firstIndent="-36000"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>...</Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p style="text-indent: -36pt; margin-left: 36pt"> ... </p> Specifically, the formula for margin-left is (leadingIndent -firstIndent), as shown by the following example: WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop firstIndent="-16000" leadingIndent=20000/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>...</Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p style="text-indent: -16pt; margin-left: 36pt"> ... </p> When dealing with right-to-left paragraphs, use margin-right for leadingIndent and margin-left for trailingIndent: WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop rightToLeft="1" leadingIndent="36000" trailingIndent="18000"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>...</Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p style="direction: rtl; margin-left: 18pt; margin-right: 36pt"> ... </p> 3.5.3. Paragraph spacing and leadingWorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop spaceBefore="6000" spaceAfter="3000" lineHeight="2" lineHeightUnit="rel"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>...</Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p style="margin-top: 6pt; margin-bottom: 3pt; line-height: 2.0"> ... </p> "At least" line spacing is not supported in CSS, and will be treated as "exact." WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop lineHeight="-20000" lineHeightUnit="mpt"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>this text is supposed to use exact line spacing</Contents16> </StTxtPara> <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop lineHeight="20000" lineHeightUnit="mpt"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>this text is supposed to use 'at least' spacing</Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p style="line-height: 20pt"> this text is supposed to use exact line spacing </p> <p style="line-height: 20pt"> this text is supposed to use 'at least' spacing </p> 3.5.4. BordersWhen all four borders are visible, the border-width property can be used: WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop padLeading="4000" padTrailing="4000" borderLeading="2250" borderTrailing="2250" borderTop="2250" borderBottom="2250" borderColor="blue"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>...</Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p style="padding-left: 4pt; padding-right: 4pt; border: solid; border-color: blue; border-width: 2.25pt"> ... </p> Note that in WorldPad all borders are solid, 4 points of padding to the right and left of the border are automatically included, and visible borders must be a uniform width and color. When not all borders are visible, the missing ones must be specified in XHTML as width zero: WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop borderLeading="6000" borderTrailing="6000" borderColor="00ff90c0"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>...</Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p style="padding-left: 4pt; padding-right: 4pt; border: solid; border-color: #ff90c0; border-left-width: 6pt; border-right-width: 6pt; border-top-width: 0; border-bottom-width: 0"> ... </p> When working with a right-to-left paragraphs, border/padLeading correspond to border/padding-right and border/padTrailing correspond to border/padding-left, as shown below: WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop rightToLeft="1" padLeading="4000" borderLeading="1000"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16>...</Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <p style="border: solid; padding-right: 4pt border-right-width: 1pt;"> ... </p> 3.5.5. BulletsIn CSS2, there is a limited number of available bullet styles, smaller than those possible in WorldPad. It is possible to handle a wider number either by using web addresses to access picture files on the Internet or using the advanced marker construct. For the first version, however, I suggest using a simple mapping between WorldPad's bullets and the styles available in CSS2, as shown in the following table:
Bullet equivalences In CSS3, additional bullet styles will be supported, at which time the following correspondences will be appropriate:
Bullet equivalences in CSS3 All paragraphs with identical bullet properties will be grouped together under the same <ul> tag. WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop firstIndent="-18000" bulNumScheme="106" bulNumStartAt="1"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16><Str><Run>item one</Run></Str></Contents16> </StTxtPara> <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop firstIndent="-18000" bulNumScheme="106"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16><Str><Run>item two</Run></Str></Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <ul style="margin-left: 18pt; list-style-type: square"> <li>item one</li> <li>item two</li> </ul> (Any bulNumStartAt property in the WorldPad data is superfluous.) The above represents a standard hanging indent as is commonly used for bulleted items. The sample below produces a bullet inside the flow of the paragraph, with no indentation. WorldPad XML: <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop bulNumScheme="101"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16><Str><Run>item one</Run></Str></Contents16> </StTxtPara> <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop bulNumScheme="101"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16><Str><Run>item two</Run></Str></Contents16> </StTxtPara> XHTML: <ul style="list-style-type: disc; list-style-position: inside; margin-left: 0"> <li>item one</li> <li>item two</li> </ul> As a general principle, whenever the WorldPad format indicates a hanging indent (firstIndent is negative), the CSS list-style-position should be "outside" (the default). In other situations list-style-position should be "inside." If the position is outside, the margin-left setting should not be less than about 6pt. As always, if the paragraph is right-to-left, margin-left should be replaced by margin-right. Nothing else special is needed to ensure that bullets appear on the right side of the paragraph. 3.5.6. NumberingAccording to the CSS2 on-line documentation, the following should generate paragraphs with automatic formatted numbering: WorldPad XML: <Styles> <StStyle> <Name17><Uni>Upper Bracket</Uni></Name17> <Rules17> <Prop firstIndent="-18000" bulNumScheme="13" "bulNumStartAt="3" bulNumtxtBef="[" bulNumtxtAft="]"/> </Rules17> </StStyle> <StStyle> <Name17><Uni>Red Bold</Uni></Name17> <Rules17> <Prop bold="invert" forecolor="red"/> </Rules17> </StStyle> </Styles> <Body> <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop namedStyle="blueBorder"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16> <Str><Run namedStyle="redBold">This is bold, red text.</Run></Str> </Contents16> </StTxtPara> </Body> XHTML: <head> <style type="text/css"> ol.upperBracket { counter-reset: item 3 } li.upperBracket:before { content: "[" counter(item, upper-alpha) "] "; counter-increment: item } <style> </head> <body> <ol class=upperBracket> <li class=upperBracket >item one</li> <li class=upperBracket >item two</li> <li class=upperBracket >item three</li> </ol> </body> However, there does not seem to be good support in either the Netscape or IE browsers for the counter mechanism. So instead we will use the XHTML start attribute, and the formatting of the label using before- or after-text will not be handled. Thus the above example becomes: XHTML: <head> <style type="text/css"> ol.upperBracket { list-style-type: upper-alpha } <style> </head> <body> <ol start=3 class=upperBracket> <li>item one</li> <li>item two</li> <li>item three</li> </ol> </body> The table below shows the supported numbering styles:
Numbering equivalences In WorldPad, all paragraphs that have the same bulNumScheme property are considered to be part of the same numbered list, and will be placed together within a single <ol> tag. Differences in the paragraph indentation or the formatting of the label should not be considered for this purpose. 3.6. Named stylesIn theory, one might expect that WorldPad's character and paragraph styles could be handled in a straightforward manner using the concept of CSS style classes. WorldPad XML: <Styles> <StStyle> <Name17><Uni>Blue Border</Uni></Name17> <Rules17> <Prop borderColor="blue" borderTop="2000" borderBottom="2000" borderLeading="2000" borderTrailing="2000"/> </Rules17> </StStyle> <StStyle> <Name17><Uni>Red Bold</Uni></Name17> <Rules17> <Prop bold="invert" forecolor="red"/> </Rules17> </StStyle> <Styles> <Body> <StTxtPara> <StyleRules15> <Prop namedStyle="blueBorder"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16> <Str><Run namedStyle="redBold">This is bold, red text.</Run></Str> </Contents16> </StTxtPara> </Body> XHTML: <head> <style type="text/css"> .blueBorder { border: solid; border-color: blue; border-width: 2pt } .redBold { color: red; font-weight: bold } <style> </head> <body> <p class=blueBorder> <span class=redBold>This is bold, red text.</span> </p> </body> In reality, however, the issue is complicated by WorldPad's handling of language-specific character formatting. There are two aspects to this issue. In WorldPad, each style essentially incorporates a set of language-specific sub-styles that are used for formatting the character properties of text in each language. This capability exists for both paragraph and character styles. Therefore, each WorldPad style may potentially result in a set of style classes in XHTML, with items in the set corresponding to the languages for which the character properties are specified. (Ideally, this will only happen when the language-specific character properties do in fact differ for the various languages.) The language-specific style class will be applied to spans of text that use that language and for which the style was in effect. In addition, each writing system is assigned a default font. This information is stored in the <DefaultSerif24> tag of the writing system. (The <DefaultSansSerif24> and <DefaultMonospace24> tags are currently redundant can be be ignored.) When no other font is specified for a given style, the default font should be used. Furthermore, each paragraph property will generate a corresponding non-language-specific style class containing the paragraph formatting (alignment, borders, etc.). This will be applied at the paragraph level, while the language-specific class is applied at the text span level. The following example shows a paragraph style with language-specific character formatting: WorldPad XML: <Languages> <LgWritingSystem id="ENG"> ... <DefaultSerif24><Uni>Times New Roman</Uni></DefaultSerif24> </LgWritingSystem> <LgWritingSystem id="DEV"> ... <DefaultSerif24><Uni>Code2000</Uni></DefaultSerif24> </LgWritingSystem> <LgWritingSystem id="SPN"> ... <DefaultSerif24><Uni>Arial</Uni></DefaultSerif24> </LgWritingSystem> </Languages> </Languages> <Styles> <StStyle> <Name17><Uni>Large Centered Title</Uni></Name17> <Rules17> <Prop align="center"> <WsStyles9999> <WsProp ws="DEV" fontsize="22pt" fontsizeUnit="mpt"/> <WsProp ws="ENG" fontsize="16pt" fontsizeUnit="mpt"/> <WsProp ws="SPN" fontsize="16pt" fontsizeUnit="mpt" italic="invert"/> </WsStyles9999> </Prop> </Rules17> </StStyle> </Styles> <Body> <StTxtPara> < StyleRules15> <Prop namedStyle="Large Centered Title"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16> <Str> <Run ws="ENG">The Use of </Run> <Run ws="SPN">Hola</Run> <Run ws="ENG"> in Mexican Spanish</Run> </Str> </Contents16> </StTxtPara> </Body> XHTML: <head> <style type="text/css"> .largeCenteredTitle { text-align: center } .largeCenteredTitle_DEV { font-family: Code2000; font-size: 22pt } .largeCenteredTitle_ENG { font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16pt } .largeCenteredTitle_SPN { font-family: Arial; font-size: 16pt; font-style: italic } </style> </head> <body> <p class=largeCenteredTitle> <span class=largeCenteredTitle_ENG>The Use of </span> <span class=largeCenteredTitle_SPN>Hola</span> <span class=largeCenteredTitle_ENG> in Mexican Spanish</span> </p> </body> Note that in WorldPad, one style may be based on another, inheriting all its formatting properties. For the purposes of XHTML output, the equivalent style must include all the property settings inherited from all super-styles. When there is a cascading effect of language-specific styles, two levels of <span> are required, one for the paragraph style and one for the character style. Implementationally, it may be useful for the XHTML generation routines to carefully analyze when language-specific formatting exists and when it does not, in order to avoid superfluous tags. The following example shows the use of both a paragraph and a character style, each of which having language-specific character formatting: WorldPad XML: <Styles> <StStyle> <Name17><Uni>Centered Title</Uni></Name17> <Rules17> <Prop align="center"/> <WsStyles9999> <WsProp enc="DEV" font-weight="bold"/> <WsProp enc="ENG" /> <WsProp enc="SPN" font-style="italic"/> </WsStyles9999> </Prop> </Rules17> </StStyle> <StStyle> <Name17><Uni>Large Text</Uni></Name17> <Rules17> <Prop/> <WsStyles9999> <WsProp enc="DEV" fontsize="22000" fontsizeUnit="mpt"/> <WsProp enc="ENG" fontsize="18000" fontsizeUnit="mpt" /> <WsProp enc="SPN" fontsize="18000" fontsizeUnit="mpt"/> </WsStyles9999> </Prop> </Rules17> </StStyle> <Styles> <Body> <StTxtPara> < StyleRules15> <Prop namedStyle="Centered Title"/> </StylesRules15> <Contents16> <Str> <Run enc="ENG" namedStyle="Large Text">The Use of </Run> <Run enc="SPN" namedStyle="Large Text">Hola</Run> <Run enc="ENG" namedStyle="Large Text"> in Mexican Spanish</Run> </Str> </Contents16> </StTxtPara> </Body> XHTML: <head> <style type="text/css"> .centeredTitle { text-align: center } .centeredTitle_BEN { font-weight: bold } .centeredTitle_SPN { font-style: italic } .largeText_BEN { font-size: 22pt } .largeText_ENG { font-size: 18pt } .largeText_SPN { font-size: 18pt } <style> </head> <body> <p class=centeredTitle> <span class=largeText_ENG>The Use of </span> <span class=centeredTitle_SPN> <span class=largeText_SPN>Hola</span> </span> <span class=largeText_ENG> in Mexican Spanish</span> </p> </body> 4. Unsupported featuresThe following behaviors are supported in WorldPad but not in the corresponding XHTML format:
Features that will be supported in CSS3 include:
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